
Monday, October 11, 2010


All it takes is for someone to say something nice and it can change your whole day around. I have been struggling with coaching basketball. I am not confident in myself at all, yet no one else would step up to do it. I just don't think I am serving these kids like someone else could be. All last week I was hearing the voice of the enemy...tearing myself to shreds over basketball. I was selfish thinking about all that it was keeping me from...the things I really wanted to do like my small group and my class at church, from working out, from just sitting on the couch watching tv, or taking walks with my fiance. Then beginning on Friday through today, 8, yes 8, people either texted me or told me to my face or through e-mail what a good job I do with the girls. They told me how positive I am, how much those girls need me, and that I am really making a difference in most if not all of their lives. The comments made me smile. I needed them and the prayers of those who told me they would. It helps to know that someone out there is thinking about you when you think no one is. Cal told me when I feel myself start to drift from God, I need to take a step back and cling to Him. Grab onto the Word, grab onto the power of the Holy Spirit within me so I can continue His good works through me. Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere. Smile and get that Triple A mentality!

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