
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The People Key

Anyone who claims to be completely happy when he or she is alone is someone who is not being honest with him or herself. Isn't that why people stay in abusive relationships? Isn't that why I dated a guy I knew I would never marry for longer than I should have? Isn't that why we (well most of us) are always looking for that person with whom we want to spend the rest of our lives, with whom we want to raise a family, with whom we want to laugh, cry, get through the hard times, cherish the good times, and worship the Lord? The People Key really is a crucial key. Relationships matter. How others view you matters.

Now dealing with people isn't always easy whether it is with a future husband or wife, colleague, boss, friend, sibling, parent, or stranger. But no one said life was easy for everyone, everyday, everywhere. Some are in a better position at any given time than others, so that is why we must make God's agenda our own. That is why we must be delivery agents and flow with God's plans.

Cal talked about us being Triple A Agents. Anyone! Anytime! Anywhere! We need to be willing to carry out God's plan - no matter the person, setting, or whatever. It is not what suits us, but part of God's master plan. If we are willing, if we take off our preferred people glasses, maybe just maybe by obeying God, you will bless someone in ways you can't imagine.

Cal said, "Even when there is no great outcome to your miracle delivery assignment, God will bless you for your simple childlike obedience." I believe that sometimes there is no way of knowing how great the outcome truly is. I had a bad week last week regarding basketball. I was feeling completely insecure, I was feeling sorry for myself, I was regretting the decision to coach and help out the family who needed it, I was discouraged by reports of the girl's dad and his smoking habit. It was all about me, poor, poor me. Then two wonderful ladies saw my heart was hurting, and they prayed for me. That is all it took to rejuvenate me. To say, "ENOUGH! You were moved to do this for a reason. Love the girls, teach the girls the game and more importantly good character." I felt so much better after I walked out of the church that night, and even though we lost three games this weekend, I know I was a much better coach because of it. So thank you Diana and April. I don't know how 'great' you thought the outcome of your simple prayer and hugs would be, but I like to think that they helped me to reach out to 11 girls and who knows how many people they will affect in their future. Maybe the will remember something really cool I said or did that will help change someone else's life.
The People Key really is what it is all about. I challenge everyone to make God's agenda your own. Make yourself available to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Then you may truly begin to understand how fulfilling your life may be.

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