
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Small Group goes above and beyond:Bball update

If you remember the story about my basketball player's dad, here is an update. Her dad is struggling mightily right now. I haven't talked to him in over a week, and I am very anxious to see him again. I have been giving his daughter gum and notes to encourage him. When I went to my small group meeting on Thursday, there was a gum bag sitting on the counter. I was told it was for the basketball player's dad. I almost started crying. I was shocked by their generosity, love, and desire for him to succeed...someone they didn't even know. Thank you to all who contributed. It means so much to me, and I know when I see him next he will be better off because of you! Updates to come. Dear Lord, May Mr. G. have a breakthrough soon. Give him the strength to overcome this deadly addiction so he can cherish and love his family for many days to come. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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